horneelady 45yo Houston, Texas, United States

luvmesom 45yo Looking for Men Chicago, Indiana, United States

2muchalike 42yo Katy, Texas, United States

tessa4 40yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (man and woman) Saint Louis, Missouri, United States
Track List
1.Lost in a Lost World
2.New Horizons
3.For My Lady
4.Isn't Life Strange
5.You and Me
6.The Land of Make-Believe
7.When You're a Free Man
8.I'm Just a Singer (In a Rock and Roll Band)
The hardest thing to give away is Love
When you give Love
It just keeps coming back to you
Spread The Love SEED
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace" ~Jimi Hendrix, 1969
more on Geo altCom
mineislovely69 19yo Phoenix, Arizona, United States

cleopatra712 23yo Looking for Men Clifton, New Jersey, United States

Nympho4U_69 19yo Brainerd, Minnesota, United States

gewyapple 21yo San Francisco, California, United States

wynnbig 42yo Los Angeles, California, United States

g33grrrl 45yo Gaithersburg, Maryland, United States

angelofnursing66 45yo Lexington, Kentucky, United States

catspurr6969 34yo Fort Madison, Iowa, United States

msexplorer 44yo Looking for Men or Couples (2 men) Lewisville, Texas, United States

zzombiekiller 20yo Flagstaff, Arizona, United States

likit4me 35yo Peru, Indiana, United States

vanessaashly 28yo Looking for Men Cologne, Minnesota, United States
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