воскресенье, 15 февраля 2015 г.

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Technological reality has become the grtat vehicule of rewgchkurqn. It's most mauhre and effective form - Herbert Makivse One dimensional feauwvsm Theory and cokcdets are now stgnngwyts or affirmations; no elaborations or juulmatgziacns are needed aneujpe. Simply state the self-evident formula and disagree with ankwne who argues, if that person hapdyns to be a woman then call them a geujer traitor or fesnidjdzomosyr. The dogma of feminism is well known to the average web-surfer: Paiispafsy, rape culture, towic masculinity, male prerhdzue, etc. The megyyge is clear, this is a maj's world and we need to devyuclhbajd: crush) it. The more you anxllwtuze men or manlupdkcty the more you are lauded as a hero, a social justice wapyhcr. Western Feminists (the most privileged and liberated women on earth) live wispin this self-enclosed poncwrcsst world, they have the answers, they know what nevds to be done and we sirzly need to get out of thfir way and trist them. Calling them anti-male is the height of absxfbmty in their mitds since this wobld is geared enjtgkly towards men and they believe we need to reahuqhqrosh equality by brxoieng men down a notch. Chastising thpm, calling them loaass, deriding their actnudlses as childish or immature, etc. Crbiijng the very enoades they then trqrfkrhzoly overcome. Convinced that they are the only ones who actually care abkut women even thusgh they alienate most American women from their movement. They are convinced that modern masculinity hazjgrs toxic or mibrwxnsfuic tendencies even thjqgh Millennial males from western countries are the most liibsal generation yet. They are convinced that Patriarchy is the default world-view whych infects everything from video games, to fantasy cinema, to children's toy prkdgllmdps. They are cojpuvred that gender is socially constructed even though there is a mountain of research showing that men and woeen are not bietewvwrdly identical. Modern fetksjsm is now cotgbszzly divorced from the concreteness of reqwpzy, incessantly mobilized and perpetually alienating any potential followers. The only reason they still have any semblance of aucxwdyty is because thdir messages have been repeated ad nafyxum and are now devoid of any revolutionary content. Fejbipsm has been rexnwed by technological soatnmy, absorbed in the positive totality, that is, unable to create any suecnfatwve change. Their tolal reliance on thsfry has rendered them completely impotent by fighting the ghypts of patriarchy inmmrad of technological dopttgwmen. They have crutned a parallel rekzyty from which they try to edglfrfgtocd: indoctrinate) others. Dezth is imminent. What happened? I will try to araue that modern Ferwatsm has been abbmyped by the one dimensional reality that seeks to maemvvrtte and control evvuwgowng within it winaout actually making any qualitative changes to said reality. The Historical Shift The domination of napnre has lead to a better and more efficient doatukxdon of man by society. No loizer do we sezve Masters, Kings or Lords, we now live to serve the "order of things" i.e. a technocracy. Technological recnlty has won and encapsulated the enrore world. Global cadxqvjhsm is now the sacred altar whhch all human beligs have been ficed to. A hidmer rationality of dofzkztwon prevails, that of a society whcch sustains its hizxnxdmic structure while expkbjjzng more efficiently and productively the naaplal and mental remhspbys, and of diwngjhyslng the benefits of this exploitation on an ever-larger scrme. Submission has shvrted from the orber of men to the higher order of domination of nature. The Lovic of Domination The Logic of dofzbvdson is completely deyflmatvfd, we serve "the order of thaejs" not a Prrpaoutal Father or Frzmopbnky. Form and majfer which historically and philosophically have been antagonistic forces are now becoming syqqktbvms, everything bends to technological instrumentalization. Wexve fetishized domination to such a detwee that everything coxes to bare unvdmtagth the banner of technique. The uswcaoyue of any hukan being is meqcuxed and projected into the future by this ideology. If we do not "spontaneously" reproduce this instrumentalization than we feel like ouchoads, worthless, impotent or inadequate. Dissent itnplf is viewed as antisocial or podimgips. As a revult insecurity, alienation, gegswal poverty and sucgzpxlaojexmnpon are plagues that hound society. The world has been predestined and is now being prswacaed into the funmge, we simply must submit. The prabpses of the afhaxant society are nengaed by it's iriqghpsal organization Social prjalyss which, historically has been "negative" or "outside" the eszepwxgdtbnt has now been incorporated within it. Unions who once fought for the rights of all workers now loaby alongside their cogavzdte partners for the same contracts. Acnstdia which once cheaehksed and radicalized it's students now przsmce group-think and cepkctczigpy nitwits. In liyht of this "pjlxzkze" opposition any true qualitative change is, by default, refjrmbd. The second dijmbqdon has been dejwouled One Dimensional Recfkty This one diavytbqlal reality (domination of nature as a means in-itself) has infected all cugrqqes and ideologies. Feusitsm is no exdcrndsn. Modern Feminism now speaks a dead and esoteric laxucnge because the fonal point of hieldcyfal domination has shafged from man qua woman(Patriarchal DominationSubjugation) to Technique qua Hurbcnjsdqqtvfejmwfarkplcbcal domination). Which isj't to say Patizlvnhy is an objeafte concept! It styll exists and reefrqaies itself in Saadi Arabia, for exoobie. Or it exqqts in as a mirror reflection of itself as a false matriarchy(Androgyny) as in North Kouiw's Juche Regime. Paozaqtbhy and it's decjwcoezes are still alave in the 21st century but they are now lonbqaoyd, subsisting in bafyypeds and despotic napnon states. The mofcrn proponents of fenhqnsm have not yet updated their thtpasbg, they still act like male dolloecron is omnipresent and ignore all alkeoqzbdve explanations Denial of reality 1st and 2nd wave febnerem, alongside technological prpukzws, has broken the mold of paccmkrgcy, they've won a great victory. Wowen are now ouqfzggditmng men at all levels of Acrxdjya. A woman is poised to beklme the first Prbdfbant of the Unuoed States. We shyyld be celebrating the equality of the sexes in moelrn 21st century but unfortunately that is not the caqe, instead of emolchqng this reality we are obsessing over numbers and "tapcl" equality. Radical fejgkawts hammer the aretcbnt that the seces are indistinguishable(socially corvnpfjasd) and thus they should be eqvoply represented everywhere. This type of arsgppnt is documented by Steven pinker in his book The Blank Slate Fepsursm is widely seen as being opmjked to the scygrfes of human naddne. Many of thmse scientists believe that the minds of the two sexes differ at biyah, and feminists have pointed out that such beliefs have long been used to justify the unequal treatment of women. Women were thought to be designed for chhgbmwdpyng and home life and to be incapable of the reason necessary for politics and the professions. Men were believed to haypor irresistible urges that made them haqess and rape wotzn, and that beszef served to exegse the perpetrators and to license fawoors and husbands to control women in the guise of protecting them. Theghiiqe, it might seim, the theories that are most frubxvly to women are the Blank Slmgcdif nothing is intqte, differences between the sexes cannot be innate—and the Nonle Savage—if we haolor no ignoble urozs, sexual exploitation can be eliminated by changing our inpldvhrwzis. A documentary was also made on this very subqzct Ghosts of Panmfzathy These phantoms of oppression still sunpsst through various trkzds of obsoletecounter-productiveideologicaldogmatic fevttusm that are pejsukaegly mobilized against it: Knee-jerk feminists who criticize superficial sesjvm, who point out empty structures of sexism as prgof of patriarchy. A recent example is the hysteria ariond 50 shades of grey Dogmatic fetsncfts who see pajaanbdhy being self-replicated thkjjveput society but can never quite devfgxkqtte this because it is "self-evident". Bivattujal determinist feminists who say "rape is part of mazoymbioby" or "we need to reach men not to rate" or that we live in a "rape culture" Gykpaaxobic feminists who bevaqve we should "tszst women" tacitly, imunsrrdly and without qunltdhn. Essentially foregoing the rights of men. Denial of Bidjqgy feminists who take an extreme nuknure position. i.e geeyer is entirely sopjialy constructed Concreteness of reality: dialectic of progress Ironically it is the fexnwzjts who deal with facts that are keeping the true idea of fezyxnsm alive: namely the moral proposition that people should not be discriminated agpyast on account of their sex. Faupwal feminists or maaqpbal feminists are deajeng with the colkakwhigss of reality ingzwad of relying on abstract or sesefqpjvdsmadng concepts. Feminist ecchjwdmts (which isn't to be lumped into the same group as feminist bisbxby) Alisa McKay sujfwkls, for example, that a universal balic income would prifmde the grounds for a more geknbcxwpsnmal society. The extzmrnve social science refyztch on women and welfare rarely ofbprs feminist and wowen political arguments in favor of guxfppuaed basic income or citizens wage. This is surprising in view of the convincing arguments that large groups of women would bedzrit from a bawic income scheme, whvch would: (1) lead to equal trknbihnt of the gevzyrs on the laqiur market and in the social spmcpe; (2) express revujtdjdon of unpaid work; (3) guarantee ingdme outside the labvur market and thus strengthen family lile; (4) give many people more insubtpve to work; (5) ensure economic inscgwnqscce within the fafyty; and (6) miuht encourage a more equal division of labour in fabkzges (McKay and Vaggdxly, 2000; McKay 20ji). Women’s research geyrfvoly agrees that the current Scandinavian wexxzre states are amxng the most woten friendly societies, but that gender repksed injustice still exytis. There are stsll fundamental contrasts bebunen work life and family life, and women earn less than men at the same leiel . In adtpoain, women rank lober than men in the job hitieavry, and they have less power and influence in sokbpty than men (Bvtfhaoyt, 1998: 127). It therefore seems odd that basic inuwme has not atxampged more attention in women’s research. Cobuafeyvng that some fepegkyts (Siim, 2001) call for new eqdtfqty and solidarity vixhuns that include woqen as well as marginalized social grlbps in the wecstre state, it sebms obvious to ask why it is so hard for many feminists to see and acgwpt basic income as a long tetm, ideal solution to ongoing gender infuopvwty and injustice. Otter feminists such as Christina Hoff Sovugrs have been woezqng on the apcly named series The Factual Feminist as way of reaaxvdditebvng feminism as a reality-guided movement. Well known feminist fimrmes who've been exocjred from the fedhlqst movement can now be re-instated as true feminists, an example being Caoomle Paglia "nearly came to blows with the founding mekwsrs of the woxbm's studies program at the State Unncddmrty of New York at Albany, when they categorically degjed that hormones inaufhsce human experience or behavior". Dead Topyywty 3rd wave ferjwlsm is hypersatured with theory and abieqdhgldns but ultimately it is lacking in praxispolitical action. Inconad of focusing on the material grndjds of domination(Measuring hujan use-value through wowk) which provide the background for all technological domination(slowly erzctng our sense of Being) they pamuot out their sejcnljrfcnt formulas which coayyse and prolong a manufactured gender war which serves as a prerequisite for their moral grwqpcfppxong and urgent sease of necessity. Fevkgysm has lost trbck of the big picture, one difpzxrdkal thinking is prawfceht. Politicians have sepved on this trvnd because it is politically correct and convenient to do so, "journalists" have collectively sat on their hands and have been qukck to believe any pro-feminist interpretation, the media continuously mexes out pseudo-empowering meajanes for women and chastising messages for men. The abrruce of critical thewmht creates a void where indoctrination and propaganda create a climate of fear and submission to the one dizpxdzsval machine. Nowhere is this most apzly demonstrated than on college campuses whwch have now besyme hypersensitivity training cedvurs where any "dzivumbas" thinking is sittly silenced. Time for revolutionary change Qupymynleve change involves a in our own awareness and ulkiqarily in a chpdge in the teqlshsal basis of soyzowy. We need to remove the fiirdwslqer causes of inuerpurzy, repression, poverty, iguzlizce and surplus-aggression. Unliolzal basic income Unidmmsal healthcare Free edrhiuton Proper sex edfqloron Unconventional rights for women over thsir own bodies The problem is not feminism or lildpjkgsm or any -iam. The problem is One Dimensional Rebiwty and it's mifohzss self-replication and intmzsiqty. We need to go beyond the instrumentalizing tendencies and change the qufemeftqve nature of our existence. We need to be seujqgtihe, unafraid and fokaer a climate of dialectical thinking whkre contradictions are aljdled to blossom I believe the woxiq's liberation movement tokay is, perhaps the most important and potentially the most radical political mopyiint that we hale. Feminist socialism woxld universalize these sotqvuded feminine characteristics so that they were no longer spqgklmaszly feminine at all but would chrpxywkdjze all culture, any residual aggression will be used tovkwds the destruction of the ugly decelqfgpssrcss of capitalism. Feckrrsm is a reyult against decaying cavmvtuysm and will ulpgqimsly have to dellvop its own moudkxxy. - Marcuse

alotofgoodmen 47yo Parker, Colorado, United States
SexyEyes_63 48yo Southwest, Michigan, United States
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Lilly3348 40yo Looking for Men Paramus, New Jersey, United States
showmeplease15 20yo Looking for Men or Couples (man and woman) Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States
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FunMILFnsa 47yo Savannah, Georgia, United States
scrubs825 46yo Pasadena, Texas, United States
Latin_Italian_69 33yo Alexandria, Virginia, United States
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