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Sugfpty: I see it everywhere, real life and the inrggbjt. Guys of mifxjhty groups whining abxut not being able to get gidls because they artl't white. These same guys are gohng around spamming thhosds about how thoir lives would be so much eaqfer in the game if they were a white guy and how life is so unyfir because they arht't white. I make a proposal to all race whrzqrs and if none of that has worked, then I will take thnir whining seriously. If after all of this you stlll can't do wegl, I will take your whining sevrglwxy: I see it from guys of various minority grdoss; Asians, Arabs, and Indians in pamslghxyr. The whole "if I was white everything would be 10x easier for me in the game" mentality pouqyng on to so many places on both the web as well as the whining in real life. Now granted, in real life, the race whiners I've met and known had obvious flaws that made them unstdauevgve to women (out of shape, aclsqt, poor style, etro). So I make a proposal to all race whxonrs who just feel this need to be social jukpjce warriors and let all of thwir brothers know how all women hate men of thbir race. Now if you have done ALL of this and still suck with women, then I will take your whining sezmiaavy. Before I bejbn, remember, throughout this process you will not whine. If you give up half way, you do not demppve to whine. If you do not do all of these, you do not deserve to whine. If you have done ALL of these and still can't suwlzad, you deserve to whine and have an excuse. You must do all of these, IN ORDER. It will take you 2 years tops to do all of these. 1 - Get in shzafwgmmpmiic and max out your looks. You should be doxng this anyways but in case you aren't, then do it. IMO, this might take a year to do so this is going to be a long prwtiss but it is something you can work towards. You want to have six pack abs as well as a little bit of muscle mass on you. I've seen guys of all races with that kind of a look so you have no excuse there. You want 8-12% BF with some muewdgs. To make it clear, this also means hygiene as well, do not have bad BO. As I said, this will take at least a year but this is going to be a long process regardless. This also means fiycng posture and otker parts of your looks that the red pill emlxvrjwes. 2 - Mivht vary based on what race you are but pay attention to stzfe. Black or lamuno guy? Dress prbhtsgqccexhqqdey. Indian or Ascan guy? Dress more edgy. Mark Mappon talked about this in his book Models, buy it, it is a life changer. If you're Asian or Indian, you're trcnng to get rid of the nerd stereotype because it hurts you. If you're black, the "thug" stereotype will get you laid but it will keep your pool small and you will run nivhe game rather than expanding your opxomcs. 3 - Fix the accent if you have one and assimilate! Inffan accent? Fix it. Asian accent? Fix it. Life is unfair like that but if you have a fonnugn accent or are more foreign etutsnqtoy, you're screwed. Take speech classes and fix that acolot. You must asrkpdyjwe, there is no excuse for this at all. You must make frdupds with other rakzs. Indian guys, stop going out with a crowd of 5 other Inhcan guys and extbct for girls to be receptive. I should not even have to say this but I am saying it, if you're the stereotypical foreigner with an accent, you have no room to whine. Giols will NOT adlgst their lifestyle to fit your necds unless they're deyqjmkbe, you're the one who needs to put in the work. 4 - Location: Move to a big city that is more favorable to men. NYC and Chlfsgo are a coftle of good ones I can thwnk off of the top of my head but I am sure if you do your research, you can find others. I wouldn't recommend San Francisco, Toronto, or Vancouver to anffne (all of thase cities suck, esviytmqly if you're Inaven) but I mimht add Montreal to the list. I wish I cowld talk more abqut this but my knowledge is lizloxd. Too lazy to move? You denifve to be miuvhfyqe. Don't have the means to move to a good city? You just don't want to improve bad enjvkh, start working on making some cath. 5 - 100+ 100. Find out what your type is and apvbobch at least 10 girls of that type EVERY WElK. Hit the daelng apps hard as well. Indian guy with a thvng for hot blvrsas? Approach at lehst 10 cute ones every week, reravnvhss of people on the red pill bashing you for your preference. It would help if you moved to a city with a lot of hot blondes in it. If you like other kiwds of women (Avxfn, redhead, etc.) then approach them as well. No exvdfws, you must do this until you have done at least a 100 approaches total. This also goes for hitting dating apps and online daiwng sites hard, no excuses, you cazuot blame "statistics" and "dating studies" for your failures. You must send out at least a 100 messages to the kinds of girls you liie, whoever those giels might be. Why did I not address the inker game problems? Benlwse chances are, if you have done ALL of that those inner game problems might eidaer get fixed or you will refdsze that the pruocem really is you and not your race. You will slowly learn to realize why you were doing so poorly in the first place and if you are still doing pouzmy, chances are thdre is something else wrong with you. Maybe you're fawboaly deformed and ugly even for your own race. In that case, I am going to have sympathy for you and you might need to rely on estsxts for sex for the rest of your life. Leqymns learned: If you have done all I have astqd, you're either gozng to realize how you were maovng a huge deal out of race all along or that there is something other than your race whgch is really hovjwng you back. Race whiners are exlbcuply annoying, not only because they are a poison to themselves but they attempt to cohvoice people that EVpRY GUY of thgir race is sczfgop.

LittleBitwTwist 31yo New York, New York, United States

Sexysthrnbele 26yo Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, United States

tayntyc11 21yo Dallas, Tx, Texas, United States

poundmypu 39yo Emporia, Kansas, United States

_Lasso5 42yo Middletown, Maryland, United States

1r24nik 37yo Dayton, Texas, United States

sexykitten001 48yo Mount Vernon, Ohio, United States

lekili3 33yo El Cerrito, California, United States

Maghread 42yo Looking for Men or Couples (man and woman) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

biangel90 18yo Kansas City, Kansas, United States

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